Jade plummets for Paul

Victoria Creyton | March 2018 | 7 minutes

Jade lost her brother Paul to alcohol when he was only 40 years old - and she decided she wanted to do something to stop others from going through the same.

In 2017 Jade went through what no one should have to – but far too many do. After many years of struggling with alcohol dependency, her older brother Paul died.

Every hour someone in the UK dies as a result of alcohol. Paul died at only 40 years old.

“It was such a shock to us all. I wasn't prepared for my fun, loving brother to leave the world. He was always the life and soul of the party, always laughing and making others laugh, even if it meant making fun of himself. He never hung up the phone or left you without saying 'I love you'.”

Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol can be a scary and lonely place to be. Jade describes how her family felt helpless as they watched Paul slipping away from them because of his illness.

Determined to use her own experience to make a positive difference to others, Jade decided to take on a huge challenge, and jump completely out her comfort zone… and out of an aeroplane.

“I am doing a sky dive to raise money for Alcohol Concern, and to raise awareness of alcohol addiction as an illness. Because that’s what it is. I have always said I could never do a skydive – but I NEED to try and do what I can to help people like Paul.”

And after months of fundraising and awareness raising of the work we do at Alcohol Concern to reduce the harm caused by alcohol, she did it.


It is a testament to her strength of character, love for her brother and commitment to helping others in her situation that Jade has done this, and proven that out of a very dark time can come something so positive.

At Alcohol Concern we believe no one should face addiction, whether their own or a loved one’s, alone. If you struggle with your drinking, you need and deserve support. But just as important is that those close to individuals with alcohol issues also receive the help they need.

“If I can help only one person or family through such a difficult time then that will make me happy.”

Thank you Jade. We are so proud of you, and we think Paul will be too.

Take on a challenge like Jade's and raise money to help us change and save lives. Find out more about the hundreds of challenges on offer.

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