Become a Community Champion

Volunteer as an Alcohol Change UK Community Champion and help us to raise awareness, raise vital funds and campaign for change.

To find out more about becoming a Community Champion, get in touch with Sven and Danielle and they will be happy to help you.

Get in touch

What do we mean by 'community'?

Alcohol harm can affect anyone, from any walk of life. So we want to work with people in communities of all types across the UK to help us create change faster. Your community could be your...

  • Local area
  • Workplace
  • Sports club, team or league
  • Virtual social network
  • Community centre
  • Community built on shared values, religion, joint interests, ethnicity, sexuality, identity, disability, or shared experiences.

What does a Community Champion do?

You can volunteer your time to help us to reduce alcohol harm. We have come up with a handy list of ways that you can make a real difference to our work:

  • Community engagement and outreach. Helping to reduce alcohol harm in your area by reaching out to different parts of it - could you talk to your local health and wellbeing team and go along to one of their events? Could you pop down to a nearby community centre, leave some leaflets and have a chat with people?
  • Fundraising. This could be anything from holding a community tea party to an alcohol-free pub quiz to a Dry January® launch event! We find that fundraising is a good 'way in' - people understand charity fundraising, and a fundraiser could be a good way of then talking about alcohol.
  • Campaigning. Supporting us by encouraging others to write to their local councillors or MP, or to sign petitions. This could also include setting up your own local campaigning group!
  • Placing materials in your community. Putting up posters and distributing leaflets to community spaces like libraries, GP surgeries, coffee shops, pharmacies, and more.
  • Spreading the word about alcohol-free products. You can help make sure that people can access alcohol-free alternatives by talking with your local pubs and restaurants or introducing the idea in the workplace for employee/corporate events. You could even publish a review of the alcohol-free offerings available locally for your local newspaper. Read our guide on how to get started.
  • Promoting our campaigns. Spread awareness of campaigns such as Alcohol Awareness Week, Dry January® and Sober Spring within your community.
  • Joining focus groups. You can help us by joining a focus group to help us test our Try Dry® app, assist with fundraising campaigns or share lived experience of alcohol harm.
  • Sharing your story. This could be for one of our blogs, fundraising appeals, for a media request or even at an event with one of our corporate partners.
  • Volunteering your skills. Perhaps you are a keen video editor, photographer, blog writer, graphic designer, writer, printer (or something else) and can volunteer your skills to support our day-to-day work?

We are always happy to hear any ideas or suggestions that you have too! We know we won't have thought of everything, and you might have a connection or and idea that works really well, so please do let us know about it.

How we support our Community Champions

  • Our Fundraising and Engagement Team (Sven and Danielle) will keep in regular contact with you to provide you with details of opportunities and support you with your ideas.
  • We send regular emails every month with updates on the work we are doing and the ways in which you can get involved.
  • We host Community Champion meetings, where you can meet other volunteers and share your ideas and experiences.

Interested in becoming a Community Champion?

Get in touch