I never thought I had a problem with alcohol. One or two glasses of wine most nights wasn’t that bad surely?
Like many people I partied a lot in my younger days. I curtailed my intake in my early 20’s as I’d gained two stone which I managed to lose by doing Weight Watchers and working out regularly. For the next few years I drank what I thought was a ‘normal’ amount until I became pregnant with my son at 28.
The birth of my son was followed three years later by that of my daughter. I then drank again, the stresses of motherhood and my job making me reach for the wine as soon as they were in bed. As the kids got older my drinking became more regular and earlier - a glass while making dinner then another.
I attempted a Dry January® challenge in 2023 but only managed two weeks and in the Spring I decided to start moderating which didn’t really work for me. By the end of the year I was back to my old ways and on Christmas day I felt utterly dreadful – anxious and depressed on what should have been a happy occasion.
It was then I made the decision to try again in 2024. It wasn’t easy but I felt a huge sense of pride when I managed it. At first I couldn’t sleep and oh the sugar cravings! I ate more chocolate and biscuits in January this year than I’ve ever done. It got to February 2nd and I ‘rewarded’ myself with a glass of wine. It tasted disgusting but I forced it down. Looking back I can’t believe I would force myself to drink something when my body was clearly telling me not to, but that’s the power of alcohol.
I had a total of three drinks in February and then one or two drinks per month until June, which I was happy with. In June my partner and I moved in together and the stress of the move had me turning to wine again. Each time I drank I felt more and more anxious and low. My last drink was 16th August on my partners birthday. I am convinced that I couldn’t have reached this point had I not completed my Dry January® challenge. My mind and body needed a complete rest and re set.
I cannot begin to describe the difference it has made to my life – losing half a stone and saving over £3500 this year are just the tip of the iceberg. I have so much more energy, I sleep like a baby, my skin, eyes, hair are so much better. My hormonal symptoms have dramatically reduced. To any ladies reading this – alcohol and menopause just don’t mix.
The most important thing for me is the clarity it has brought – the ability to handle stressful situations without alcohol and the positive effects on my mental health. I am productive and focused in my job and my relationships with my partner, family and friends are great.
For the last two months I have concentrated on eating sensibly (and eating more) and my body seems to be processing food properly for the first time in years. I’ve become very self-aware and listen to what my mind and body need instead of blurring everything with alcohol. I am now starting to process the big/traumatic events that have happened the past few years which I had coped with by drinking and covering up my emotions. It’s a challenging process but I feel in control and at peace with it all. I’m not going to judge others for drinking – it’s up to them how they choose to live their lives. But for me personally, I can’t think of a single positive thing alcohol gives me.
I would say to anyone who is deliberating a month alcohol-free – just go for it. You don’t have to never drink again but I promise you it will change your perspective on how you are living your life, and the part alcohol plays in it.
The Facebook groups and Try Dry® app are amazing and really helped me, especially during the first few weeks. I still interact on the groups regularly and enjoy supporting others and seeing everyone’s progress. I have recently discovered that books and podcasts are great tools for keeping focused and are helping me along the way in this new life that I’m enjoying – being present, sober and happy.