Black History Month take over of the Club Soda Podcast

Yasmin | October 2022 | 7 minutes

To mark Black History Month, Yasmin Spark, Founder of Align Events, is taking over the Club Soda podcast to chat to sober people of colour about their experiences with alcohol.

Black History Month was originally introduced to shine a light on the history, experience and contributions of black people in order to highlight discourses and narratives which have historically been overlooked.

In 2022, it’s time for these narratives to be extended to the discourse around alcohol use, sobriety and mindful drinking.

This October, it is my pleasure to take over the Club Soda podcast and interview some truly amazing speakers about their experiences with alcohol, their motivations for connecting with other sober people of colour, and tips and tricks for maintaining mental and physical health in the midst of a changing climate, world upheaval and navigating sobriety.

In an area of under-representation in critical academic research as well as mainstream representation, the Black History Month takeover of the Club Soda podcast brings together a kaleidoscope of speakers who, in their individuality reinforce the fact that blackness is not a monolith.

We are individuals, shaped by our backgrounds, upbringings and cultures

The thread which winds these episodes together is the exploration of community building and the ways we navigate a world in which drinking is seen as ‘normal’ and our reduction or refusal to partake in that world is seen as ‘abnormal’.

Finally, it is a celebration of who we are, Black and - not Black but.

I encourage anyone who listens to the podcast to reach out and get involved in community building or just say hi if you want to. Together, we can build a safer and more inclusive world.

Check out the Club Soda podcast series here

Find out more

Club soda website

Yasmin Spark: Instagram @sugarwaterxx

Speakers in order of episode appearance

Vimalasara (Valerie) Mason John: Staying sober in a world that’s burning part 1 - an interview on mindfulness, Buddhism and recovery with Vimalasara

Michael Adu and Jason Candid Knusel : Staying sober in a world that’s burning part 2 - tips and tricks for mental and physical health at work and at play.


Bethany Irving, Rhondell Stabanna and Michael Singh: Sober Joy - stories around the joy of community building from Instagrammers of colours.




Dina A. Basharahil: Exploring the Black Muslimah experience of industry, religion and work place inclusivity.

Lazarus Letcher: Creating Sober - Reframing the musician's trope by creating with clarity.
