Climbing Mont Blanc on one leg for Alcohol Change UK!

May 2024 | 8 minutes

Chris Linnitt, is a dedicated Chartered Legal Executive and managing partner at Beyond Legal, where he works alongside his wife Clare, a family law solicitor. In 2002, Chris was involved in a motorcycle accident and became a left above-the-knee amputee in his twenties. This also led him to turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism, something he has recently overcome and is now alcohol-free.

Despite facing his own challenges, Chris is deeply committed to helping those with significant injuries and disabilities (through his legal practice Chris specialises in supporting individuals with serious injury claims), while also raising awareness and advocating on the issue of alcohol harm.

When he's not advocating for others, you'll find Chris exploring the intricacies of mental resilience and performance optimisation, as he has a passion for psychology, with a particular focus on sports psychology.

Before he takes on his challenge, we sat down with Chris to find out more about his journey to Mont Blanc.

Why have you chosen to climb Mont Blanc?

I've seen this challenge as an opportunity to challenge perceptions and raise awareness for Alcohol Change UK and LimbPower, two causes close to my heart.

The inspiration behind my decision to climb Mount Blanc stems from a desire to push myself beyond my limits and demonstrate that having a disability doesn't define what I can achieve. Climbing Mont Blanc is a dream I’ve harboured for many years, and I've relished getting fit in the face of adversity.

How have you prepared for the challenge?

Preparation for Mount Blanc has been an extensive process involving physical training, mastering climbing techniques, and acquiring the necessary equipment. Given the challenging terrain of Mount Blanc, learning to use crampons and ice axes has been crucial.

My training programme consists of manageable daily walks and alternate days of cardio and gym sessions. At weekends I go hill walking. I've been gradually building up my climbing experience, starting with smaller peaks like Pen-Y-Fan and Cader Idris, and have incrementally increased the difficulty level, next up is a midnight climb to Snowdon!

Chris Linnitt 1
Chris Linnitt at the Dry January® 10k

What are some of the challenges you anticipate facing during the climb?

The climb presents numerous challenges, from the unpredictable weather conditions to the technical aspects of navigating the terrain. The altitude and extreme temperatures also pose significant challenges to consider. However, I'm confident in my physical training and mindset preparation that I'm ready to face whatever obstacles come my way.

How do you stay motivated as you prepare for such a demanding endeavor?

It's discipline rather than motivation. I have a desire to continually grow and expand beyond my perceived limitations. Knowing that every step I take is one step closer to my goal is hugely motivating. I've met some incredible individuals on my journey, and their resilience, determination and drive has inspired me to push myself further and never give up, no matter how daunting the task may seem.

What message would you like to share with others who may be facing their own challenges or limitations?

I would encourage anyone facing challenges or limitations not to underestimate their own strength and resilience. With determination and perseverance, you can overcome even the most daunting obstacles. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth and know that you are capable of achieving greatness.

About Monc Blanc.

  • Mont Blanc is in the French Alps on the boarder between Italy and France, It is actually "owned" by both countries under a bilateral agreement.
  • Mont Blanc is regarded as the birthplace of modern mountaineering.
  • Heigh wise, Mont Blanc weighs in at 4808m. However, it is considered far harder than Kilimanjaro (5895m). The sustained effort required on summit day exceeds that of running a marathon, and solid endurance fitness is paramount to participation.
  • Over 30,000 people attempt Mont Blanc each year and an estimated 200 people a day summit in the summer season

You can donate to Chris’ challenge, with donations being split between Alcohol Change UK and Limb Power here.

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If you’re interested in taking on a challenge like Chris to support Alcohol Change UK please contact the team to discuss how we can support you.

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