Commission on Alcohol Harm: our evidence submission

February 2020 | 6 minutes

The Commission on Alcohol Harm: An Inquiry into the Effects of Alcohol on Society launched a call for written evidence to be submitted by 17 February 2020. Here you can download and read our submission.

The Commission has been established to examine the current evidence on alcohol harm, recent trends in alcohol harm and the changes needed to reduce the harm caused by alcohol. The Commission will also examine the need for a new comprehensive alcohol strategy for England, which takes account of the strategies in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and considers UK-wide priorities in areas where policy is not devolved.

As well as written evidence, the Commission will be holding three oral evidence sessions in March 2020, in Edinburgh, Cardiff and London. For more information about the Commission, visit their website.

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Alcohol Change UK's evidence submission to the Commission on Alcohol Harm

Download the submission (0.31Mb)