Connect with the great outdoors with Arclett

August 2023 | 8 minutes

Are you sober curious? Do you worry about the stigma attached to living a sober life?

It can be difficult to navigate going alcohol-free when lifestyle choices are met by resistance from your peer group or society. Arclett celebrates a modern take on sober living and provides inspiration for finding other ways to have fun without alcohol so that you can follow your own path.

Arclett welcomes anyone who is sober, sober curious or somewhere in the middle, and we inspire sober living through use of the great outdoors. Arclett invites you to join their community and connect across their social media channels.

Why we love the great outdoors

Connecting with nature is what we long for. It improves our social, psychological, and emotional life. It’s been proven that being surrounded in natural beauty can activate reward circuits in the brain that are associated with a dopamine release.

Alcohol can send your stress hormones into overdrive and the use of outdoor exercise is the perfect way to lower stress hormones in the body by stimulating the production of endorphins. Spending more time in natural environments can reduce social isolation, anxiety and depression whilst improving self-esteem, confidence, giving us a sense of adventure, purpose and newfound energy to pursue our goals.

10 tips to making the most of the great outdoors

1. Find somewhere remote

We find our inspiration in remote locations as they are left untouched. Foot traffic and noise pollution in these locations tend to be limited, so with less distractions we are able to slow down and fully focus on the now.

2. Stay landlocked

You don’t have to book flights to experience beauty. The global pandemic forced us to explore our home shores and appreciate what the UK has to offer. From North to South, we have easy access to stunning coastlines, national parks, mountain ranges and the countryside.

3. Practise the art of photography

Photography is a great tool to document our travels and allows us to be present in the moment. It also provides a way of reliving wonderful experiences in the future.

4. Explore your wild side

Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Whilst coastal walks clear the mind, if you’re feeling more adventurous why not try wild swimming or bouldering, and become fully immersed in nature? 

5. Say hey

The great outdoors often brings out the best in people. Notice as you join hidden trails and cross paths with others, smiling and saying hey is the default etiquette. 

6. Join a community

If you lack confidence or your friend group prefer bars to outdoors, join a local community. There are thousands of local communities across the UK offering guided walks and activities. Connect with like-minded people whilst you enjoy new company on your trip.

7. Seasonal shifts

Don’t let unpredictable weather hold you back. We are blessed with four seasons. If you can plan an adventure last minute do it. If your trip to the coast looks wet, why not head to the mountains or a forest for a different experience instead.

8. Revisit and relive

If you enjoy a destination, arrange another trip to go back. Each season offers a different experience and the elements can completely transform a location. Mount Snowdon is simply breathtaking when snow-capped and offers a completely different vibe in the summer. Keep an eye out on the forecast this winter.

9. Don’t leave a trace

It’s important we act responsibly when connecting with nature. Pack a water flask, take a rubbish bag and leave without a trace. If you’re passionate about sustainability and preserving our planet, why not get involved in a beach clean?

10. Connect with us

We find our inspiration in the great outdoors and offer a unique journey into remote and inspiring destinations throughout the UK. If you are looking to take part in activities that don’t involve alcohol, or simply craving outdoor therapy and new faces, join us on one of our favourite hikes or day retreats.

Arclett are supporting Alcohol Change UK, by donating 10% of the profits from their Arclett ‘Organic Cap’.

Want to know more? Check out Arclett's website.

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