Millie’s Sober Spring hacks - Week seven

Millie Gooch | May 2024 | 6 minutes

Millie Gooch brings another of her mid-week instalments to help you explore the sober lifestyle to the max. This week, Millie focuses on how to find your people!

Embarking on a sober or even curious lifestyle can significantly transform your social life. While it may seem challenging at first to meet people who share your sober values, there are vibrant communities and activities out there – better yet, whether it’s focused on hiking or dancing there’s something for everyone.

1. Volunteer

Volunteering for causes you care about can connect you with others who share your values and interests. Whether it’s helping at a local food bank, working with animals, or participating in community clean-ups, volunteering is a powerful way to build meaningful relationships. You can even get more involved with Alcohol Change as a community champion!

2. Find sober events

There’s a massive sober social scene that you might not even be aware of. Search socials, peruse websites like and scan events on ticketing platforms like Eventbrite. Fancy joining us for a Sober Spring mixer? Grab your tickets here.

3. Start saying yes

One little word can massively expand your horizons during this time. Begin by saying "yes" to invitations and opportunities that push you slightly out of your comfort zone. Whether it's attending a new class, visiting a museum, or helping out at a community event, these experiences can help connect you with people who share similar interests.

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