I’ve always had a difficult relationship with alcohol. I drank too much and it affected my life negatively for many years. My personal relationships suffered. I was physically unwell, depressed and began to realise I was putting alcohol before everything else. My university years were particularly challenging.
During those years it didn’t occur to me that I could stop drinking. I had no sober role models and the thought of not drinking sounded really boring. Since I’ve stopped drinking, I’ve discovered a passion for photography. I now have the confidence and creative energy to pursue what really makes me happy. Every aspect of my life is better; I’m an upgraded version of myself.
I created ‘Sober Exposure’ as a result of these experiences. It’s a photographic exhibition to be displayed at Winchester University in conjunction with Alcohol Awareness Week. There are 12 participants who have chosen to live their life sober. Some have never drunk alcohol, and others have. They abstain for a variety of reasons: mental health, addiction, spirituality and physical wellbeing.
It took me quite a few months to find people who were brave and honest enough to talk about their experiences; to be photographed by me and be part of the exhibition.
Below each of my photographic portraits is a narrative written in the subject’s own words. These stories highlight how making the decision not to drink has benefitted their lives. The participants are passionate about life and this comes through in their stories. There are four aims to the exhibition: to provide sober role models; to challenge the idea that life without alcohol is boring; to encourage wider awareness of our relationship with alcohol; and to provide a focal point in universities to discuss issues relating to alcohol.
I don’t want to ‘preach’ to the students at Winchester University. I’m not anti-alcohol but I know first hand the harm it can do. I’d like everyone who visits the exhibition to leave feeling inspired and conscious of their own freedom to make healthy choices about alcohol. Choices that support them mentally, spiritually and physically.