Teaming up with The Insurance Surgery for advice on life insurance

August 2023 | 9 minutes

Too many people think that life insurance is difficult or complicated, especially if you’ve had a problematic history with alcohol.

But in just a single phone call, you could set up lasting protection that will guarantee the financial security of your family whatever happens.

Here’s Amy’s story about her journey to securing a suitable life insurance policy.

My first life insurance application was declined. I didn’t think I could get life insurance until I came across The Insurance Surgery!

Amy is a 35-year-old mother of two who overcame many obstacles to achieve a stable and happy life. As a child, she struggled with intense anxiety which led to self-harm. She grew up in an environment where there was immense pressure to conform to societal norms and those expectations took a toll on Amy’s mental health and she developed an eating disorder.

Amy found solace in travel, which allowed her to gain a new perspective on life and increase her self-confidence. However, her travels also involved excessive drinking, which soon became a habit that she couldn’t break. After three months of being away from home, Amy returned. However, she could shake off the drinking habit. Like many people that come back from travelling, she was living at home and felt back at square one. Amy’s drinking worsened and she felt like she was spiralling.

Finally, Amy sought help from a doctor and was able to overcome her addiction and go on to meet her husband. After five years of dating and renting, they decided to buy their dream home and to protect each other, they also applied for life insurance.

Amy began her search for life insurance online and visited several mainstream insurers. However, due to her history of mental health and previous alcohol history, she was declined by several insurance companies.

Feeling frustrated and penalised for something that happened in the past, she finally found The Insurance Surgery.

At The Insurance Surgery, our advisers are trained to handle pre-existing medical conditions, and we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals like Amy. We take every application seriously and work tirelessly to find our clients the right life insurance at an affordable rate.

With their help, The Insurance Surgery were able to secure a suitable life insurance policy for Amy and her family.

Everyone deserves to have an affordable insurance plan in place that will offer lasting financial protection. No-one's past should affect their future.

Amy’s policy is not only affordable but offers realistic protection for her husband and her children.

  • Premium price: £21.23 per month
  • Policy Term time: 37-year term
  • Insurance Sum Assured: £265,000
  • Type of Policy: Level

Over the pre-agreed 37 years, Amy will pay a total of £9,425.12 in insurance premiums.

If she was to die between now and before the end of her policy term time, her family would receive a tax-free payout of £265,000.

For financial security, taking out a life insurance policy could be the best decision you ever make.

The Insurance Surgery can secure life insurance and critical illness policies.

As an insurance broker, The Insurance Surgery are the best people to speak to if you're considering taking out a life insurance policy.

Whatever your medical history or previous relationship with alcohol, the brokers at The Insurance Surgery are more likely than anyone else to find you a policy that fits your needs.

The team works with insurance companies all over the UK, and 70% of people who are turned down elsewhere are accepted by The Insurance Surgery.

Managing Director, Andy Mellor says: "We're excited to work with Alcohol Change UK because we want to change people's ideas about life insurance. Too many people think it's not for them, too expensive, or they wouldn't be accepted, but the truth is very different.

Risk is what life insurance is based on. The younger you are, the less you will have to pay for insurance. A 40-year life insurance policy could cost as little as £5 per month for someone in their 20s. Getting life insurance is a no-brainer if you're in a long-term relationship or plan to start a family with your partner in the future.

If you've had problems with drinking in the past, don't think you can't get life insurance. With our connections, we're sure we can find the right insurance company for you. One that will always put your needs first and give you and your family peace of mind about money."

To find out more about how the team at The Insurance Surgery can find you a suitable life insurance or critical illness policy, regardless of your relationship with alcohol, please visit their website where you will also be able to receive a *15% discount, and a 10% donation will be made to Alcohol Change UK.

Find out more

*The 15% discount relates to the 15% a broker normally receives for placing a policy with an insurer, not 15% off the premium a customer pays.