Why I'm planning on doing Dry January®!

December 2017 | 8 minutes

People take part in Dry January® for lots of different reasons - whether that be to save money, get healthier, or simply to set themselves a challenge. We spoke to five people about their reasons for taking a break from alcohol this January. Will you join them in ditching the booze for a month?


"I have recently limited my drinking to only on the weekends as I am getting a bit older, and it's not as fun to wake up with a hangover anymore! Having alcoholism in my family also leads me to be more cautious with my own drinking and I try to acknowledge my own limits. Doing Dry January® will be a great way to see how having a break from drinking effects other areas of life."



"I’m thinking about doing a Dry January® and maybe February too. 2017 was a difficult year; unemployed, I spent more time than is healthy in pubs. I need to lose a little weight. In the past, I discovered that cutting down on booze is an easy way to cut calories."



"I'm going to do Dry January® to give my body a rest! After the usual round of Christmas parties at work, followed by Christmas and New Year with family and friends, you've got to look after yourself a little bit! And I really like the idea of making that commitment for the whole of January. It makes it easier to stick to - you kind of don't have to think about it after that."


"I am taking part in Dry January® this year because I want to 1) see if I can last a whole month, and 2) see how much of a part alcohol plays in my life. Often, it's only when you take something out of your life completely, that you realise how big of a part it actually played in the first place. In the past year, I have noticed my alcohol consumption creeping up, and I think periods of abstinence from alcohol help you reset what is 'normal'. Not drinking for a month will hopefully break the habit of drinking thoughtlessly, and often."



"I used to drink a lot of alcohol at university, both on nights out and just casually with friends and I never really realised the effects it was having on my mental health. Now, almost 2 years after graduating I continue to regularly consume it. However, having moved away from an environment where it was considered part of the everyday, I realise how much of a negative effect it has on my mental wellbeing."

"Alcohol seems to make me highly anxious - I don’t particularly feel hungover after drinking a lot, but I do find that I become incapable of performing the simplest tasks. This is why I will be taking part in Dry January®, as I hope to gain a much clearer mind and minimise these feelings of anxiety. Who knows, it may even result in a complete lifestyle change."


Coming soon - the Dry January® app