Richard's Dry January story

Richard | December 2021 | 8 minutes

Richard found that doing Dry January gave him the chance to reflect on his drinking and make changes to take control of his drinking longer-term. Here's his story.

I decided to do Dry January in 2021 as I felt my drinking had become a habit, and it wasn't doing me any good. I kept myself fit and was running two or three times a week, but in lockdown I was drinking every day, and every day I was drinking at least a bottle of wine on my own.

Towards the end of 2020, I had a health check at my doctor’s and they told me my cholesterol was high. That was probably the trigger that really made me want to try Dry January. If I'm honest, I wasn't sure I would stick at it. My wife and I have often decided only to drink on weekends and it's never lasted more than two weeks.

I downloaded the Try Dry app and, at first, I didn't release I should be adding my dry days to it. After about a week, I found the calendar - and putting in my alcohol-free days really spurred me on. I didn't drink until the first weekend in February.

After Dry January finished, I was determined to control how much I drank year-round. I've often set out to drink less and have never accomplished it for more than a few weeks until I tried the Try Dry app.

After Dry January finished, I was determined to control how much I drank year-round. I've often set out to drink less and have never accomplished it for more than a few weeks until I tried the Try Dry app. I had the idea that I was only going to drink every other month as it fitted with birthdays and other celebrations. But if I’m honest, I haven’t controlled my drinking quite as much as I thought I would, although I definitely don’t drink as much as I used to. I think by being alcohol-free for a whole month I set the bar quite high and I’m being a bit too hard on myself! I'd say that I have gone from drinking every night in 2020 to averaging three nights per week in 2021 – and, considering the year it’s been, I think that's a pretty good achievement.

...I've lost some weight and generally feel much, much better.

Taking part in Dry January has really helped me to realise I don't need alcohol. I started a new job in December 2020 and it is quite high pressure at times. Before Dry January, any day where there were issues, I'd be drinking from 5pm to de-stress. Now I know I don't need it, and I think I am also performing better at work. I don't wake up feeling awful, I'm exercising more, I've lost some weight and generally feel much, much better.

I will definitely do Dry January again next year, and I think my goal will be to limit the amount I drink on days I do decide to have alcohol. Setting goals in the app has been a huge help, as it feels like I have someone there watching what I am doing and holding me to account. There are no consequences if I don't achieve the goal (I have only missed one or two) but it definitely keeps me honest.

Seeing how many calories I haven't consumed and how much money I have saved is incredible and very motivating.

I'd encourage anyone to have a go at Dry January. Seeing how many calories I haven't consumed and how much money I have saved is incredible and very motivating. Waking up without a hangover every day is also fantastic!