Alcohol Change UK and Alcohol Health Alliance join forces at this year's Party Conferences’

October 2023 | 8 minutes

Political party conferences take place in the Autumn every year and are a place where the great and good of political parties meet to hear about their party’s priorities, discuss the important issues of the day, network with attendees and in some cases, vote on their party’s policies.

One thing binds these events like no other – alcohol, and lots of it. Party conferences are famous for hosting events vying for people’s attention by supplying the most quantity of free warm wine. So, into this environment, Alcohol Change UK and the Alcohol Health Alliance entered with our stand to have a conversation with people about alcohol. As you can imagine, this was no mean feat!

We attended the Conservative and Labour party conferences (as they are the most likely parties to form the next government) where we had a stand with a true or false quiz on alcohol harm to engage visitors on the issues we want to see government action on to reduce alcohol harm, such as restrictions on marketing of alcohol, the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing in England and removing the exclusion for alcohol dependence from the Equality Act. What we really need is an evidence-based national strategy to treat and prevent harm by tackling the affordability, promotion and availability of alcohol.

At the stand, we were handing out a briefing for MPs outlining the scale of alcohol harm in the UK and what they could do to reduce it, one for councillor's on what they could do in their local area, and advice for people looking for help or to cut down their drinking at conference.

Overall, we met with 25 MPs, numerous councilors and party members in positions of power, many of whom had personal experience of alcohol harm. We are grateful to all of our campaigners who took the time to contact their MPs and encourage them to attend, it really made a difference and allowed us to talk to politicians we hadn’t met before.

We also attended “fringe” events where discussions were held about various relevant health issues, such as prevention and improving the health of the country. This helps us get an insight into the thinking of these parties on these issues and how we can lend our expertise to help reduce alcohol harm in the next government.

We also had some lovely chats with people who stopped by our stand to share their stories of seeing or experiencing the harm caused by alcohol. 

These stories are never easy to hear, but they are an important reminder of why we need the Government and Parliamentarians to take more action and choose people’s health over industry interests. 

As we move towards a general election in 2024, we’ll continue to advocate for bold action on alcohol and call on all Westminster parties to commit to a future free from alcohol harm. Your continued support will be more important ever.

As we move towards a general election in 2024, we’ll continue to advocate for bold action on alcohol and call on all Westminster parties to commit to a future free from alcohol harm. Your continued support will be more important ever.

Laura, Policy and Research Officer at Alcohol Change UK who celebrated her one-year alcohol-free anniversary at Labour conference, said:

“In the past I was first in line for the free wine at events, although I’d often feel anxious the next day. So much has changed for the better since I stopped drinking, and I felt hopeful talking to politicians and party members who want to see change.”

Matt Torbitt, who works for an MP, attended party conference for the first time sober said:

“I found the idea of doing conference sober was a bit daunting but something I enjoyed when doing it. The drinks receptions were great offering a good selection of no and low drinks and it was nice waking up without the awful feeling in the morning.

It also allowed me to celebrate 12 months sober and visit a dry bar in Liverpool to learn more about what they do so all in all it was a positive experience!”