Alcohol Change UK welcomes Scottish Government's plans on minimum unit pricing

September 2023 | 6 minutes

Alcohol Change UK warmly welcomes the Scottish Government's response to the minimum unit pricing evaluation.

Responding to the proposals, Ailar Hashemzadeh, Director of Research and Public Affairs, said:

"We strongly support the Scottish Government's plans to continue minimum unit pricing (MUP) and their proposal that it is uprated to 65p per unit to help prevent more avoidable and tragic deaths from alcohol. The number of deaths across the UK that are attributable to alcohol is at a record high and urgent action is needed to reverse this disturbing trend.

"While it is consulting on its plans, we urge the Scottish Government to listen to public health experts and continue this policy to save more lives. Given the strong evidence from Scotland, we urge the UK government to follow Scotland's lead and introduce MUP in England.

"Evidence shows that pricing alone is not enough to address the complex needs of those living in the least deprived areas and of those who are alcohol-dependent and that additional support and policies are required, taking account of health needs, environment and more. But changing the price of alcohol does make a difference both in deprived communities and more generally, as shown in Scotland, and can change consumption, reduce alcohol harm, and be life-saving. We urge the Scottish Government to include other life-saving polices to reduce alcohol harm as part of its uprating and continuation of MUP."