Ted is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist who works with adults and young people to better understand their mental health symptoms and best ways to manage them using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). He also works with professionals through training and supervision.
You might know Ted from social media, especially Instagram and TikTok, where he brings useful mental health advice and concepts to the masses in easy-to-understand short form videos. Ted will be helping us master some practical CBT techniques and tips to assist our progress through the dry month. These short videos will cover topics such as:
- Understanding the feelings that drive the desire to drink.
- How to tolerate difficult or unwanted feelings.
- What’s going on in your brain when you experience a craving.
- Practical breathing exercises demos for when you need a moment of calm
- And much more!
As you can see, there’s a whole load of great stuff coming your way now you’ve signed up to Try Dry Anytime.
CBT is a type of talking therapy that is often used to help treat mental health conditions and alcohol use. The basic concept is that thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected. As well as understanding how these things link up, CBT also helps us acknowledge that negative thoughts and feelings may trap us in an adverse thought cycle, which can be a barrier to feeling better. CBT helps people challenge these negative patterns by teaching ways to break down more overwhelming problems into smaller parts, as well as providing practical ways to improve the way we feel on a daily basis. CBT usually focuses on current problems we face, rather than placing focus on issues from the past. For much more on this, watch Ted’s video: What is CBT?***[Insert Ted video LINK 2 – CBT Overview]***?
If we want to make changes, we first need to understand that interaction that we mentioned before, which acknowledges the links between thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Learning CBT techniques could help you make change sooner by understanding and building insight into your own situation.
As you work through your Try Dry Anytime challenge with us, you may be able to pinpoint which from the CBT strategies are most likely to help you, based on the videos Ted will be sharing with us over the period of your challenge.
So, look out for Ted’s videos in amongst your daily emails over the next 31 days. We can’t wait to share them with you and hope that you find they serve as useful resources as you work towards your goal!