Millie’s Sober Spring hacks - Week eight

Millie Gooch | May 2024 | 6 minutes

In this blog, Millie brings with her another set of brilliant weekly mid-week instalments to help you explore the sober lifestyle to the max. This week, Millie focuses on the wonderful world of non-alcoholic drinks!

The rise of non-alcoholic beverages has thankfully made them increasingly available in pubs, bars, and online. Whether you want a sober night out or prefer non-alcoholic alternatives, here's how to navigate the options.

1. Ask your bartender

In pubs or bars, ask bartenders about their non-alcoholic drink selection. Many have exciting alternatives like alcohol-free cocktails, beers, and wines but often these aren’t featured on the main menu, so it’s worth double checking with the team. Be open to suggestions, as staff often know the best options and a good mixologist will be able to whip you up something delicious!

2. Explore specialty websites

Websites like Dry Drinker, Wise Bartender and The Alcohol-Free Co. offer an extensive selection of non-alcoholic beverages. Check reviews and product descriptions to find your preferred taste profile. Lots of these websites sell miniatures and selection boxes where you can try a few different options before committing to full size or multiples!

3. Attend tasting events

Pubs, specialty stores or even the brands themselves may host tasting events for non-alcoholic drinks – and lots of them are free. It's an excellent way to explore flavours and learn about different brands. Check out places like Club Soda (London) and Love From (Manchester) for brand activations! Lots of sober events will even have a brand sponsor or goody bag with lots of different treats.

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