#MySoberPride - your top tips to live your best alcohol-free life at Pride!

June 2024 | 7 minutes

Scott Pearson (@proudandsober on Instagram) has put together his best advice for you to enjoy your sober pride.

For many, Pride can be centered on the pints and prosecco rather than community and celebration. If you’re considering pushing the booze to the side this Pride, Scott has all the tricks you need to navigate the day alcohol-free.

Bring a supportive friend

Attend with someone who understands and supports your choice to stay sober. Sober shaming is real and can be really hard to deal with. For an event like this, it is important to be surrounded by people who support your alcohol-free lifestyle.

Plan ahead

Know which events or areas might be more alcohol-focused and plan to avoid or limit your time there. If you still want to try an alcohol-free tipple, keep an eye out for alternatives at venues you are planning to visit during your day.

Stay busy

Engage in activities, dance, join in parades, or volunteer. Keeping busy helps reduce cravings. There is so much happening at the parade and all the different stages, there will be plenty for you to experience and enjoy!

Have an exit plan

If you feel overwhelmed, take a break in a quieter area. If all else fails, it can be handy to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Despite your best efforts, it may be that it is too challenging to navigate, and that is okay. When you know that your most sensible option is to leave, having an exit strategy in place can provide a graceful way out of the situation. You may find people may not even notice you are leaving, because they are too busy drinking themselves

Use sober networks

Connect with sober groups or individuals attending Pride. There are often sober meetups and resources available, and there are more like-minded individuals out there than you think!

Remind yourself of your goals

Keep in mind why you choose to stay sober and the benefits it brings you. Whether your motivation is to just enjoy the one pride alcohol-free, or you have a longer term of sobriety or moderation, channel that energy to help you meet your goal.

And finally, be who you needed when you were younger

Remember to have fun - and look out for the rest of the community. Pride is a protest as much as it is a celebration, and especially now we must all stick together!

Sober events to enjoy during Pride

My top sober friendly Pride party recommendation is the Pride Afterparty with House of Happiness & Club Soda