Our new e-Learning course can support your workplace

June 2022 | 6 minutes

Having open and honest conversations about individual alcohol use can be challenging. Our new eLearning course gives staff and managers the skills and confidence to identify and support colleagues who are drinking above lower risk levels.

The impact of alcohol on the workplace

The reduced productivity and absenteeism associated with alcohol use is of great concern and enormous cost for businesses, with lost productivity due to alcohol use estimated to cost the UK economy more than £7 billion each year. We also know that alcohol use can seriously negatively impact the wellbeing of employees, and we know that responsible employers now take employee wellbeing very seriously.

“Managers and supervisors should be trained to recognise the signs of problems with alcohol and illicit drug use. They should know what to do if they suspect an employee has a problem or if they are approached by an employee who declares a problem…”

British Medical Association 2014 report

Talking about alcohol at work

Our e-Learning course can help

Staff will learn how to:

  • Understand the alcohol unit system and apply it to individual consumption
  • Learn how to use and interpret an appropriate alcohol screening tool
  • Be able to communicate brief advice effectively and confidently with individuals about their alcohol use.
  • Learn about the physical, social and psychological effects of alcohol in a way that supports change
  • Be confident to make appropriate referrals to local services for those experiencing problems with alcohol.

You can either purchase individual licenses for our eLearning courses or we can support the use of your own LMS. Click the link below to find out more and enquire about our new course.

Our e-Learning partners

Our official partnership with respected e-Learning providers Elearn4business allows us to offer convenient online learning to our clients, using the very latest in educational technology.

Elearn for business