We love this one! But if tea isn’t your – ahem - cup of tea, you could also try any number of genuinely delicious alcohol-free drinks to try and hit the spot. Take a look at our alcohol-free drinks reviews and see what tickles your fancy. Don’t forget to use any special email offer codes for our official Dry January® partners including Mocktails, Lyres and Lucky Saint.
If it’s your first Dry January® challenge, the week may have started off in a cold, bleak ‘first Monday in January’ kind of way. So maybe it’d be a good time to hear some reassuring words from those who’ve been there before. We trawled through the archives to find top tips from Dry January® participants from years gone by.
“Day 2 and I’m drinking tea as if my life depended on it.”
“Day 2 Dry! I am so comforted in finding other people who share my habits, feelings, and challenges - you guys get it! It makes me feel less alone.”
Many of our Dry January® participants find the Facebook community group a great place to draw strength from. If you’re on social media, why not join the Facebook group and see if hearing from others (or sharing with others) works for you this January?
“The secret is to keep very busy in the evenings for the first few days.”
We’re all different, so this might not be right for everyone but if you’re someone who normally finds yourself reaching for a glass while relaxing at home, there’s no harm in trying this one out. If it’s feasible for you, why not pack out your evening schedule for a couple of nights at the beginning of Dry January®? You could make a nice dinner from scratch, find an evening exercise class at your gym or maybe organise a long overdue phone call to catch up with an old friend.
“End of Day 2. Ate a huge plate of spaghetti tonight instead of drinking.”
Of course, we can’t eat like kings every day, but the first few days of Dry January® could be a good time to eat well. For some, being hungry can turn into a drinking trigger so there’s definitely something to be said for keeping yourself feeling satisfied in these first few days as you get to know your urges.
“When I decided to stop, this was not forever, just for the day, and then the next, and then the next. That thought really helped me in the early days.”
Here our alumnus shows us it’s all about breaking your challenge into manageable chunks. If the first few days are wobbly, just work through them hour by hour - this could end up being your superpower.
We hope you’ve found something in these tips from others that works for you. Remember to download the free Try Dry® app to help you stay on track. With brand new wellbeing and journalling features, top tips and expert blogs, there’s more to Try Dry® than a just tracking calendar.
If you haven't signed up to Dry January® yet, it’s not too late!