Week five: Isolation – the secret enemy

Millie Gooch | April 2023 | 6 minutes

It’s week five and with today’s blog, it’s time to flex those sober socialising muscles.

I’m Millie Gooch, founder of the Sober Girl Society, here to bring you some brilliant tips on tackling Sober Spring – the three-month break from alcohol.

Quick disclaimer, if the thought of mingling without booze terrifies you that’s okay, but it’s also important to note that when cutting back or quitting drinking, many people can find themselves avoiding the outside world altogether and whilst it can be helpful to occasionally duck out of situations you might find triggering, we also know that loneliness is a key contributing factor to people drinking more.

To ensure you don’t quite reach official hermit status, here are some tops tips:

Phone your friends

Keep in contact. Even if you don’t want to go out, make sure you are still connecting with people via the phone – and not just through texting or WhatsApp! Make time to catch up with friends. Not only can they be a fantastic support network but when we talk about other people and what’s happening in their lives, it stops us focusing so intently on our own stress and worries that might lead us to drinking.

Get outside

Nature is ideal for lowering stress levels but it’s also a great way to remind yourself there’s a whole world out there and it can be comforting to see the bigger picture when we step outside our bubbles. There are also great local walking groups so check those out if you want some company in the great outdoors.

Avoid ordering online

In today’s digital world you can get everything from clothes and coffee to your entire weekly shop delivered to your door but what you really need during this time is human interaction. Not only does this help you to gradually improve your sober social skills but it ensures you get out of the house. Challenge yourself to ask a supermarket cashier how their day is going or ask someone in clothes shop to help you find something that would suit you.

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