Autistic people are as likely to experience substance use issues as anyone else. But when they do, they find it much harder to get the support they need. This half-day event lifted the lid on this overlooked and under-researched topic.
For just £10, you can access the four expert video presentations on the range of substance use issues that autistic people may face in their lives, and how services can support them better:
- Dr Julia Lewis, Consultant Addiction Psychiatrist, Gwent Specialist Substance Misuse Service: ‘Yes, autistic people drink!’
- Cathie Long, Independent Social Worker: ‘In the thick of it: perspectives from the frontline of autism social work'
- Daniel Hua, University of Bath: ‘It’s not just about alcohol: autistic people’s use of cannabis and cannabidiol'
- Dr Sally Adams, University of Bath: ‘Working with neuro-diverse drinkers’