Behind closed doors

English | Cymraeg

14 March 2024
09:20 - 13:10
£35 + VAT Book now

Alcohol, domestic abuse and trauma

An online learning event hosted by Alcohol Change UK

09:20 to 13:00, Thursday 14 March 2024

The relationship between alcohol and domestic abuse is clear but complex. Alcohol is not the cause of abuse, but its role in intensifying and complicating abusive situations cannot be ignored. We know that addressing alcohol use and domestic abuse together is essential. We also know that this is not always what happens in practice.

At this online learning event, you can hear from experts in both fields, and collaborate with others to identify unmet needs and work towards solutions. If you’re passionate about reducing harm and promoting positive outcomes, then this is the event for you.

Speakers include:

  • Lucy Allwright and Sarah Fox, on unravelling the complex relationship between domestic abuse and alcohol
  • Mike Ward, on domestic abuse and homicide amongst chaotic alcohol-dependent drinkers
  • Aunee Bhogaita and Sarah Galvani, on South Asian women’s experiences
  • Emma Northcott from the EVA Project, on how they provide specialist housing for women escaping domestic abuse and sexual violence

There will also be structured small group sessions to enable workers in the alcohol and domestic abuse sectors to work together on the issues.

Download the full agenda here