Sainsbury’s Merlot Rosé

English | Cymraeg

A review of Sainsbury’s Merlot Rosé - a nice summer drink with a perfect rosé colour.



ABV: 0.5%
Calories per 250ml glass: 53 (21 per 100ml)

More than 10 years after Sideways caused sales to go through the floor, Merlot is back.

This Merlot Rosé is part of a recent drive by Sainsbury’s to really improve their low-alcohol offer, alongside a Cabernet Sauvignon, a Sauvignon Blanc, and a Sparkling Chardonnay. All of them carry the smart new hummingbird branding that puts them firmly in the decent-looking-wine category.

Merlot is usually a red wine, and Merlot grapes are almost blue in colour. So, how come this one’s pink? Apparently, much like White Zinfandel, it’s all about how long you leave those little blue skins hanging around in the white grape juice – long enough for it to get a rosy hue but not long enough to make a full-blooded red.

The result in this case is perfect rosé colour. It’s got a nice fruity flavour too, but sadly it’s not really a rosé wine flavour. Overall, it’s a nice summer drink, but it’s not quite as good as the Tesco Ganarcha Rosé.

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