Alice's Sober Spring story: "I have now survived three lockdowns, two holidays and a very stressful year completely alcohol free!"

Alice | March 2021 | 8 minutes

Alice signed up for Sober Spring in 2020 and hasn't looked back since - this is her story.

My journey to becoming alcohol-free began at the start of the pandemic, when I realised how important it was for the nation to come together and do anything we could to raise money for the NHS. I set up a fundraising page called ‘Sober for saviours’ for donations to support me going alcohol-free for 100 days. It really was a challenge, not only due to the stress and uncertainty of the time, but also because I was so used to cracking open a bottle of wine without a second thought.

When I made it to 100 days, I felt so good that I knew I didn’t want to stop there. Having said that, I knew I wouldn’t just continue to stay sober without a motive. I needed accountability, and rewards. That is when I came across Sober Spring. It was championed by one of my favourite authors and sober hero, Catherine Gray, and all information about it was so positive. Personally, I love setting myself goals to work towards. I’m also a bit of a child and I need badges and rewards when I reach my goals! So when I downloaded the Try Dry app I was in badge heaven! I loved clicking ‘stayed dry’ at the end of the day to be rewarded with confetti and a little message saying “congrats, you did it!”. Then, when I reached a milestone, getting a new badge, it kept me motivated. This definitely helped me to stick to Sober Spring.

"I came to realise that the thing I enjoyed the most was sitting with my husband on Friday night, rather than the drink itself."

2020 was unlike any other year, and most of Sober Spring I was stuck at home. Had this been any other time, I’m sure being in pubs and restaurants would have been the most difficult for me. However, the biggest challenge was thinking: “Not only can I not go out, I’ve stopped myself doing something I enjoy”. I always loved a Friday night, finishing work and opening a bottle of wine, just sitting chatting and getting excited for the weekend. The way my husband and I overcame this was to ‘change the drink, not the habit’. So, on a Friday night, we set up our nibbles and AF drinks, just as we would have done with alcohol. I came to realise that the thing I enjoyed the most was sitting with my husband on Friday night, rather than the drink itself. This is a lovely habit I intend to keep!

I am super proud to say that following my Sober Spring stint, I have now survived three lockdowns, two holidays and a very stressful year completely alcohol free!

"I genuinely feel that Sober Spring has not only positively impacted my life, but hopefully influenced others to drink more mindfully now too!"

There are two huge positive points I can take from Sober Spring and beyond. My fitness improved hugely. Since I stopped drinking, my motivation to exercise has increased beyond what I ever could have imagined, and I increased my cardio fitness score from average to superior. That was an amazing feeling!

Secondly, it opened my eyes to the incredible array of alcohol-free alternatives on the market. I created an Instagram account, @aliceisaf, to share my finds and thoughts. Following this, I’ve had so many people telling me either that I had inspired them to give up drinking for a while or to try alternatives and ask for my recommendations. I genuinely feel that Sober Spring has not only positively impacted my life, but hopefully influenced others to drink more mindfully now too!

I honestly thought I would never get to a point where I don’t miss alcohol, but I can genuinely say that for me, life is better without it!

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