Week ten: Finding joy in the little things

Millie Gooch | May 2023 | 7 minutes

The drinking/hangover rollercoaster is often a series of major highs and record lows but one of the loveliest things about not drinking is that life becomes slightly more consistent. The trouble here is that lots of us can confuse being content with being bored so, if by week 10, you’re feeling a little humdrum, finding joy in the everyday is fundamental.

I’m Millie Gooch, founder of the Sober Girl Society, here to bring you some brilliant tips on tackling Sober Spring – the three-month break from alcohol.

Big passions and renewed interests are brilliant (as you’ll see from today’s wonderful blog) but it’s also important to remind ourselves of the little things that make us happy and use this time to really embrace them. Here are my top tips for learning to love the moments in between that don’t always feel so exciting!

1. Get grateful!

Gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness so appreciating the small things is such an easy way to feel a bit brighter. The important thing is to do this in a way that suits you. Perhaps it’s taking five minutes at the end of the night to list three things you were grateful for today. Maybe you might want to keep a notes page on your phone to pop things in as and when they happen. Habits can be easier to create when you tie them to something you already do frequently so you could list a gratitude out loud every time you boil the kettle or brush your teeth.

2. Release your inner child

As adults, it’s still so important to experience childlike joy so think about how you can incorporate more play into your day. This could be as easy as dancing round your living room, singing at the top of your voice or literally playing games. Go swimming, go down a slide and cuddle animals! It might sound a bit silly (and you’ll feel it) but we all need more silliness!

3. Declutter your space

Tidying isn’t an essential part of Sober Spring but when it comes to creating joy, tackling your living environment is a great place to start. Too much clutter creates stress and as Marie Kondo says, if it doesn’t spark joy then get rid! Having a clear out is a great way to unearth the things you love in your place and say goodbye to the things you don’t use or things that hold bad memories. Create a space you feel calm, happy and joyful in.

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