Infinite Session Pils

English | Cymraeg

A review of Infinite Session Pils - an alcohol-free craft lager made by one of the coolest breweries in the world.



ABV: less than 0.5%
Calories per can: 39 (12 per 100ml)

Infinite Session has to one of the world’s coolest breweries, based in one of the coolest parts of fashionable east London, and with possibly the coolest cans in the world.

This beer is described by them both as a ‘pils’, which makes you think it will be quite light, and a ‘craft lager’, which might make you expect something more like an ale. Certainly, some of our taste testers found it quite hoppy for a lager. It is also a little bit thin, which is a common problem for low-ABV beers. Overall, we found it pleasant but not amazing. Like their other beers, we give it a respectable 3 out of 5.

We got our Infinite Session Pils from the alcohol-free section at Marks & Spencer. You can also buy it from online retailers like Dry Drinker.

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