ABV: 0%
Calories per 100ml: 27
English | Cymraeg
A review of alcohol-free Jörg Geiger Teassecco - an intriguing wine-style apple drink with a light tea flavour.
ABV: 0%
Calories per 100ml: 27
Many of the ingredients used by Manufaktur Jörg Geiger come from their orchards in the region of Swabia in southern Germany, where they produce a range of alcohol-free alternatives to wine.
This dry drink comes nicely packaged with a proper cork and a nice orchard scene on the label. Our taste-testers enjoyed it but were perhaps hoping for a little more of the Darjeeling flavour mentioned on the label. If light and subtle flavours are your thing, you may enjoy it more.
Wise Bartender are online suppliers of low-alcohol and no-alcohol drinks. When you buy drinks from them using this link, Alcohol Change UK gets a proportion of the sales, helping us work to end the harm caused by alcohol.