Warsteiner Premium Fresh

English | Cymraeg

A review of Warsteiner Premium Fresh - a great alcohol-free lager endorsed by LFC's Jurgen Klopp.



ABV: 0.0%
Calories per bottle: 76 (23 per 100ml)

Like Franziskaner Weissbier, this is a beer with a history. Back in 1753, farmer Antonius Cramer had a call from the taxman. Since it was clear that his was now a bit more than a little home-brewing operation, it was time to cough up some cash. This financial set-back doesn’t seem to have put the Carmers off brewing, and more than 250 years later the ninth generation of the family is still turning out some great beers.

According to them, it’s the local soft water, drawn from a spring in the nature reserve in which the brewery stands, that makes all the difference. That precious liquid is combined with barley, hops and yeast, in accordance with a Medieval Germany beer purity law.

The result is a beer that pours well with a great colour. Although the head dissipates quite quickly, it’s got a good lager taste. It’s fair to say that of all the alcohol-free lagers, this is one of the best.

Warsteiner Premium Fresh has the same smart look as its stable-mates, and there’s a lesson here for one or two others (such as San Miguel and Sainsbury’s). Beers sells better if it looks good.

The brand had a bit of a boost in 2016, when it was endorsed by Liverpool FC manager Jürgen Klopp (although Warsteiner adverts featuring him are not being shown outside Germany, perhaps because the clubs itself is sponsored by Carlsberg).

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