Issy Hawkins

Issy Hawkins is an actress, content creator and sobriety advocate. Inspired by her own journey of sobriety through her twenties after facing up to an addiction to alcohol at age 21, and growing up with a parent with the same issues.

Issy uses her social media to dismantle the stigma around addiction and the choice to go alcohol free, particularly in your twenties. Issy’s advocacy work has featured on BBC Radio 1, the 'Should I Delete That?' podcast with Emily Clarkson and Alex Light, as well as in The Telegraph and The Independent.

“I am thrilled to be an ambassador for Alcohol Change UK. Addiction has been a central theme throughout my life as it is for so many in the UK and therefore I’m so proud to be aligned with a charity that works to move the conversation towards something that is centred around choice, empowerment and removing the shame that so many feel around alcohol harm.”

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