Why do Sober Spring?

Sober Spring is your chance to break habits, start new ones and experience life alcohol-free.

Catherine Gray

Catherine Gray, bestselling author and mastermind behind Sober Spring says,

"Sober Spring is a brainchild of mine that came about because of my own experience of quitting drinking.

“I quit drinking back in 2013 and the first month was by far the hardest time period out of my entire five sober years. It was like when I first started running. Mostly, the start was a slog, a test of my endurance, I felt bored, restless, and it took monumental effort.

“In month two, my breathing deepened, my pace quickened, and I started truly enjoying it, mostly.

“By month three, I was flying. Loving it.

“I think if you really want to experience the colossal change to your mental health / wallet / sleep / skin / wellbeing that being alcohol-free can bring, three months is the perfect amount of time.

“Why does three months work? I spoke to a couple of neuroscientists for my book who explained that when we've been habitually drinking for one, two, even three decades, we have an entrenched 'drinking' neural pathway in the brain. When we stop drinking, we need to forge a brand new 'sober' neural pathway. That takes time. We know from this study that it takes on average 66 days to bed in a new habit, to make it automatic, so in the third month of being alcohol-free it should get a lot, lot easier.

“Spring is the perfect month for this. It's the season of renewal, fresh starts and hope. For those who want to swerve the bottle for a longer stint, it's the perfect opportunity.

“Another reason Sober Spring is such a great idea, is because many people want to try longer alcohol-free periods, but come up against sober-shaming, and pressure to drink. 'I'm doing Sober Spring' is a great comeback in the face of any drink-pushing, just as 'Dry January®' has served millions of people who want a break from booze.

“At the end of Sober Spring, people can decide which life they prefer - drinking or sober - and make their choice. Last year, most of the people who took part in Sober Spring chose to go totally sober."

Dr Richard Piper

Dr Richard Piper, Chief Executive of Alcohol Change UK says,

“Dry January® gives millions of people across the UK – and the world – the chance to try a month alcohol-free. Those who take on Dry January® find that they don’t need alcohol to have fun, to relax, to socialise, and more than 70% are still drinking more healthily six months later.

“Sober Spring offers the chance to take the challenge further – which is why we can’t wait to help Catherine spread the message. Three weeks is long enough to break a cycle, but three months can be genuinely life-changing. Whether you go into Sober Spring wanting to go dry long-term, or just want to give it a go to see how it feels, I bet you’ll reap a whole lot of benefits – from extra energy to saved cash – and, more importantly, reset your relationship with alcohol.”

More about Sober Spring