Making Dry January® work for workplaces

Book your 60-minute webinar for Dry January® and support your staff in developing a healthier relationship with alcohol.

Why not work with us to help your workplace deliver a fun and engaging support package for all your employees who sign up to Dry January®?

So what is it?

Dry January® is the UK's one-month alcohol-free challenge that helps people reset their relationship with alcohol every year.

Taking part in Dry January® is a chance to ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline, boost energy and save some serious money, while doing your body a lot of good. More importantly, evidence shows that 7 in 10 people who do Dry January® with support from Alcohol Change UK are still drinking more healthily six months later.

The free Try Dry app

Alcohol Change UK is the charity behind Dry January®, and we offer the free Try Dry® app to support people to have the best possible month. The app lets you track your units, calories and money saved, plus set personalised goals for managing your drinking year-round.

Taking on Dry January® with the Try Dry® app doubles your chance of having a completely alcohol-free month and getting long-term benefits.

So will it benefit your employees?

Dry January® is a chance for your staff to break old drinking patterns and start new ones. A month’s break from alcohol can make a big difference. Going dry for just 31 days could reward your staff with:

  • Reduced anxiety and better mood
  • Sleeping better and having more energy
  • Saving money
  • Losing weight

And the effects don't stop when the month is over. Six months later 7 in 10 are still drinking more healthily, with all the benefits for health and wellbeing that brings.

How about a webinar for your staff?

We can run a 60-minute webinar on Dry January® for your staff team. We’ll cover:

  • Dry January® – so what is it?
  • How to enjoy Dry January® during
  • COVID-19
  • Goal setting
  • Finding an 'accountability' partner
  • How to deal with other people who want to encourage you to drink
  • How to prepare at home in the run-up
  • Trying alcohol-free options
  • Triggers and how to handle them
  • What happens after January?
  • What if you fall off the wagon?

Get in touch to find out more and book.

Get in touch