No. 1 Living Raspberry Kombucha

English | Cymraeg

A review of No 1 Living Raspberry Kombucha - strong taste and perfect for those with a sweet tooth.



ABV: 0%
Calories per can: 8 (3 per 100ml)

The No. 1 Living kombucha range was created by former England rugby start Johnny Wilkinson with the aim of providing a healthier alternative to soft drinks. This one is flavoured with raspberry and a little bit of pomegranate.

The can has a seriously pink colour that will certainly make it stand out on the shelves. Once poured – best chilled, as with all kombuchas – it has a sweet, strong raspberry scent. The colour is a bit like a pale sparkling rosé. There is a light fizz but nothing too gassy. Although the formula is sugar free, it is a sweet drink. It would be perfect for those with a sweet tooth, but stricter kombucha fans may miss the typical sour taste.

Kombucha drinks are not usually recommended for children or anyone who is pregnant, as they are live drinks and so the alcohol content can vary over time, although it is usually not more than 0.5%.

Drydrinker and Wise Bartender are online suppliers of low-alcohol and no-alcohol drinks. When you buy drinks from them using these links, Alcohol Change UK gets a proportion of the sales, helping us work to end the harm caused by alcohol.