New NICE guidance contains a focus on prevention and early intervention with pregnant women.
Course aim
To equip practitioners working with the skills to help reduce the risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancies and prenatal alcohol-related harm.
Who should attend?
Alcohol and drug treatment practitioners, midwives, social workers, housing officers, sexual health services, A&E staff, early help workers – anyone working with women of childbearing age.
Learning outcomes
- Define FASD, its causes and impact
- State the risk factors for alcohol exposed pregnancies
- Raise awareness with at-risk individuals
- Screen for alcohol use
- Offer harm reduction recommendations
- Develop protocols for effective recording of alcohol use
- Make appropriate referrals to specialist services
- Discuss practical application of the new NICE guidance
Benefits to the organisation
- Develop staff confidence in raising topic of alcohol
- Reduce alcohol-exposed pregnancies
- Meet NICE guidance aims
- Establish good practice in working with pregnant women
About your facilitator
Lauren Booker has been training in FASD since 2012. Lauren has extensive experience in delivering screening and brief advice training as well as completed her BHSc dissertation in delivering screening and brief interventions in primary care.